New galleries, new excitement, new co-op, new Cultural Center, music scene offerings, an Indie book shop are all being energized by a crop of people striving for some level of excellence and creative energy in our community. It has been along time coming but in the size of Spartanburg renewed prospects are coming. There is a new enthusiasm about the arts and more groups are working together. Hope this fever is catching and it will flow into our schools and get young people excited, that they can try and do.
A resurgence and pride is coming back in working with one's hands. This is how our country started. Blacksmithing, making clothes,soaps,homemade breads,etc. were normal chores in the good ole days. It is sad that kids today can't even sew on a button, but with exposure to the arts, more and more people will appreciate the love and detail that goes into a piece of art. The creative process can not be measured by a test like S.A.T.. So more opportunities need to be out there for our children and teens and especially those who are the most vulnerable and can not afford expensive programs.
Oh! My! I did not mean to give a speech! But I feel this important to promote the arts and develop other parts of our brain!
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