Jewelry Handcrafted with An Artisan Spirit

Welcome to my blog! If you are interested in sharing ideas on metal jewelry art or related mediums, let's talk and share.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A private class

Recently, I was asked to give a private class on some copper work for a lady who was recovering from a stroke. I've noticed in my summer class, it seems to be therapeutic to engage in fine motor and gross motor activities for folks who have suffered some type of motor skill affliction. I never looked at my jewelry work that way, but if I can give pleasure to someone else that is a joy for me.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Been awhile

It's been awhile since I've blogged. You can tell I am from an older generation where all this new fangled stuff is not on my agenda. Recently, I have been doing a few shows at Hub City Farmer's Market and SLAM Art Market in Greenville and some work at the West Main Artist Co-op in Spartanburg.

Yesterday I took an enameling class st the Beaded Frog but it was too crowded in the work area to make any pieces effectively-oh,well...

Next weekend I will try my hand at non-toxic metal etching in Tryon.

Lately, I have been making copper folded leaves and crazy wire/stone designs. I feel like I am on the brink of insanity with wire going haywired-literally!